To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Free Mr. Curt Wingo

Harsh & Unfair prison sentencing of men and women in the United States

I am writing you today because I believe in fairness and that everyone deserves to be given fair opportunities in life. I am specifically speaking about our unjust system. I am not an attorney or a judge but when you look at what's happening within our justice department has to jolt your soul. This one man's story is definitely one to give you a jolt. I'm speaking of a man name Curt Wingo.

Curt Wingo lives in Mississippi, he has been locked up for a DUI and sentenced to life without parole. In his case, no one was injured or killed, yet still he's serving a life sentence without parole for that DUI. I must add that this is his 3rd offense however no one was affected or harmed in either cases. I do understand how dangerous it is for driving while under the influence but a LIFE SENTENCE without parole??? What if this was your brother or son? You can not punish a person for life under suspicion that someone may get hurt when in fact they didn't. If that's the case, then more of us would be locked away as well. I understand that everyone has to pay for the crimes that they do but there are so many men and women serving unjust time in the system just like Mr. Wingo.

I am asking President Obama and Congress to start the process for the release of Mr. Wingo. Also, I'm asking President Obama to take a look at the laws that puts people away for life for crimes that did not cause any physical injuries or kill anyone.

President Obama, you are serving your last months in the White House, I am asking you to please take more action against injustice before leaving the White House. We are US citizens, not animals...we are #Humans.

Why is this important?

I am starting this petition because no one deserves to be treated so inhumane. People deserves to be treated fairly and just.