To: Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate, and President Donald Trump

Free my daughter's mother

My daughter has received a residence card 2.5 years ago. Her mother, my wife, is being held back for residency for being deported 15 years ago crossing the boarder fleeing from her drug-dealing husband in Mexico City. She and her daughter's lives were in danger.

Why is this important?

My wife and daughter are beautiful people. I married my wife 9 years ago. I'm American and made the decision to send my daughter and wife back to Mexico City to legally work on their papers since her daughter's father died of a drug overdose and alcoholism in Mexico City. He was very abusive emotionally and physically to my wife when she was 18 years old. They were safe to return since his death. Please help my family reunite, My daughter is a 4.0 - 10 grader taking college credits and is what her math teacher emailed me a mathematical genius.
I'm American and see families approved at the border for asylum for their lives being in danger. My wife is married to an American and is not allowed??? I have not been with my wife for 6 years.