To: President Donald Trump, The Florida State House, The Florida State Senate, Governor Ron DeSantis, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

free my son in law

please free my son in law. his wife and kids and family need him his wife and kids are Born US citizens and he is being held by immigration and he is running out of time please help

Why is this important?

my son inlaw is being detained by immigration. hes been with my daughter for 6 years and married 5 years. they have 2 young children who are very affected by this, they cry for their dad everyday, not understanding why they took their dad. they are using charges from years ago. people all at one time or another make mistakes, no ones perfect. hes a great man and hard worker. we are running out of time his court date is march 25th,2013. please help by signing petition. if hes deported they wont allow him back. his wife and kids and family here need him. kids should not have to go through this. GOD forgives and gives us chances. please help. family is so important.
He Is Being Held At Khrome Detention Center In Miami fl And Is from ecuador and has Been Here Since 1999 and Has paid His Taxes And Considers The US His Home