10 signatures reached
To: Dean Stensberg, Edward Wall, The Wisconsin State House, and The Wisconsin State Senate
Free Ron Schilling at last
Ron Schilling 32219, KMCI
Born In 1951, Ron Schilling is now 64 and has been incarcerated since 1976, 39 plus years. He killed a man during a drug deal gone bad. He has never shied away from taking responsibility for his crime and has served his time well, staying clear of major conduct reports and earning several advanced degrees while PELL Grants were still available. He is a fine musician, poet and litigator and an inspiration to those around him.
Ron was granted parole by former Parole Chairman Leonard Wells until he became a victim of the new tough on crime rhetoric that cost him his parole and Leonard Wells his job. Since then, he has been back and forth from Minimum to Medium security and is transferred without a word on why, and is convinced there is retaliation going on.
Ron Schilling is an Old-Law prisoner and was eligible for parole after serving 13-1/2years . There is no good reason why we are wasting taxpayer money on entombing this man and the more than 2500 others who are eligible and rehabilitated. Funds are much better spent on rehabilitation and treatment for the Truth In Sentencing prisoners (TIS - those who were convicted after 2000) who are getting little education or treatment because health care for elderly Old-Law prisoners is taking all the funds.
We ask for parole for Ron Schilling because he has served enough time for punishment and he still has good years left . He has much to give our troubled world and has well earned a second chance.
Below is a quote by Ron's Social Worker at Jackson Correctional Institution, written in support of his parole bid in 2000: "Mr Schilling has a keen mind and a good heart. If he is not a successful candidate for restoration to the community, then no one on my caseload could possibly be!"
Born In 1951, Ron Schilling is now 64 and has been incarcerated since 1976, 39 plus years. He killed a man during a drug deal gone bad. He has never shied away from taking responsibility for his crime and has served his time well, staying clear of major conduct reports and earning several advanced degrees while PELL Grants were still available. He is a fine musician, poet and litigator and an inspiration to those around him.
Ron was granted parole by former Parole Chairman Leonard Wells until he became a victim of the new tough on crime rhetoric that cost him his parole and Leonard Wells his job. Since then, he has been back and forth from Minimum to Medium security and is transferred without a word on why, and is convinced there is retaliation going on.
Ron Schilling is an Old-Law prisoner and was eligible for parole after serving 13-1/2years . There is no good reason why we are wasting taxpayer money on entombing this man and the more than 2500 others who are eligible and rehabilitated. Funds are much better spent on rehabilitation and treatment for the Truth In Sentencing prisoners (TIS - those who were convicted after 2000) who are getting little education or treatment because health care for elderly Old-Law prisoners is taking all the funds.
We ask for parole for Ron Schilling because he has served enough time for punishment and he still has good years left . He has much to give our troubled world and has well earned a second chance.
Below is a quote by Ron's Social Worker at Jackson Correctional Institution, written in support of his parole bid in 2000: "Mr Schilling has a keen mind and a good heart. If he is not a successful candidate for restoration to the community, then no one on my caseload could possibly be!"
Why is this important?
Ron is someone we love and miss very much. He has a lot to offer, and would like to offer it while he is still able to. He has a promising future, and we would like to see him live it and make future memories with us while he still can. He has been locked away from us all for 40 years! Please sign this petition and help us get this much loved and needed man home to us. Thank you and God Bless!