To: President Donald Trump, The Michigan State House, The Michigan State Senate, Governor Gretchen Whitmer, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Free Us from Drivers Responsibility Fees!!

I am 23 years old I have lived in Michigan my whole life I have never been to jail or even been in trouble yet in the winter of 2011 I lost my Drivers lisence due to non-payment of "drivers responsibility fees" I worked full time and I have a 4 year old son that goes to school.. I cannot drive him myself I have to pay someone to do it I can not drive myself to work I have to pay someone to do it all because of these fees I have freinds and family that have lost their jobs and their homes due to this fee! I Believe that these fees arr just another way for the government to control the ppl of this wonderful state why should you have to pay these fees when you already have to pay tickets court costs lawyer fees? and still at the same time support your family pay your bills and find transportation to and from work?

Why is this important?

Drivers Responsibility Fees and the devestation they cause.
Jobs have been lost due to these Fees.
Families have been torn apart.
