To: President Donald Trump
Full Clinton rates for 2%
Mr. President: You campaigned on requiring the very rich to pay higher taxes. While you never said the exact rate, you implied on numerous occasions (and never denied) that the rate would be the same as under President Clinton in order to make the arithmetic work. We expect you to stick to that rate.
Why is this important?
The President campaigned on the principal of fairness and balance in fixing our federal deficit. Talk is going around that the rate for the upper 2% of income earners is negotiable at somewhere between the present rate and the Clinton rate, which would be an increase of only about 2%. That isn't fair or balanced. No one I know believes that would be asking the rich for anything--the Clinton rates are measly and a rate that doesn't restore the Clinton rate is, in the Presidents words, "Out of bounds". If the rate is set below the Clinton rates, where is the fairness/balance and where is the rest of the money coming from?