To: The Delaware State House, The Delaware State Senate, and Governor John Carney
Full support of ACA in deleware
We need to act fast and lead the way in trying to make sure the ACA is fully implemented nationwide and set an example that will hopefully spread and ensure that as many states as possible will follow the example set by DE. We are the first state of this great nation and we should be the first to lead by example and show all citizens that we will no longer sit doing nothing as more American families fall through the cracks of society simply because they couldn't afford proper health care. It is our duty as American citizens and citizens of the great state of Deleware to lead the way in supporting this historical advancement as a society and as members of the human race.
Why is this important?
After the decision of SCOTUS to uphold the constitutionality of the ACA we need to make sure we do everything we can to keep things moving and help ensure that individual state legislatures follow through with the expansion of their Medicaid/Medicare programs to comply with the goals outlined in the ACA. Many working class families have been financially strained due to high medical bills. My own family is an example of this. When I was 17 I had several brain surgeries due to a life threatening condition known as AVM's. Not being able to afford health insurance the medical bills quickly climbed into the millions which bankrupted my family. Not only did this cause the financial ruin of my family the bankruptcy also made it so that the hospital bills did not get paid. We paid everything we could but it was nowhere close to the amount owed. The ACA helps ensure that this financial ruin does not come to other families in need of medical care and all states should comply and fully support the ideals laid out within said act. It's also hard for me to find insurance now, which is absolutely needed as many other health issues have arisen in the years since my original surgeries, but since this is considered a pre-existing condition insurance companies do not want to take me on. Since my family never fully recovered financially none of us are in the position to purchase healthcare anyway and I make 30 dollars more a month than the poverty level needed to receive Medicaid. So I have to make the best of it and pick and choose which doctors to see and meds to take. I want to ensure that no family should have to face these problems ever again. No family should have to choose between eating and receiving quality healthcare, nor should they face bankruptcy and total financial ruin for the rest of their lives. Just as the hospitals and doctors shouldn't have to worry about not getting paid for their services while trying to help people. No one should be turned down for health insurance because they are already sick and need healthcare immediately. Whatever we can do to help this much needed reform along should be done quickly to prevent this from happening to other hardworking, normal, American families. This is something I feel very strongly about and that is why I am starting this petition. We can not just sit apathetically thinking that since the major hurdle has been crossed everything will fall into place on its own. We need to work quickly to ensure as many states as possible are going along with the ACA and keep pressure on legislatures and not lose momentum while we are getting so much support. Keep it moving, make it stronger, try to unite as many states we can while it's still in the spotlight. This is a good idea but it's our jobs as citizens and Americans to make this country a better place for all other citizens. The sick and the poor need everyone to join together and show the world that we will not let any American fall through the cracks because they got sick ever again.