To: fulton county government, supervisors @ medical examiners office

fulton county "discipline abusive supervisors"

stop workplace bullying and reign in supervisors who are verbally abusive and their superiors who refuse to do anything about them.

Why is this important?

After reporting that a supervisor told me to suck his penis,being verbally abused and threatened with write ups and suspensions by 2 supervisors at the fulton county medical examiners office and going through chain of command nothing has been done because of the clique at that office that holds together,i got no help from my union,none from managers,when i complained about safety issues especially about these 2 supervisors laughing after a deceased person had been dropped to the floor twice,the bullying got worse.After a mild heart attack due to stress i was placed on leave with pay,then on leave without pay,yet these two supervisors who have forced two other employees to quit still continue to work and fulton county has done nothing about them. My job is now on the line i have a 14 yr old son to support this has to stop.