To: Dan Hamburg,Chairman, Supervisor, Chaiman of Boardof supervisors, Supervisor Carre Brown, Supervisor John Pinches, Title or Position (optional), Supervisor Dan Gjerde, Supervisor John McCowen, and Name, Title or Position (optional)

Fund an Audit of Foreclosed Properties

Petition to Supervisor Dan Hamburg, Chaiman of the Board of Supervisors.
We, the voters of Mendocino County urge the Board of Supervisors
to fund an Audit of Foreclosure documents in the Assessor Recorder's Property Records.

Why is this important?

Unpaid taxes by big banks using robo-signed documents have foreclosed properties fraudulently, impacting the county budget for police, fire and education services.Big Banks must prove they own the note/mortgage according to AB1602 and SB 1470, laws effective on 1/1/13. Fraudulent foreclosures must be reported to the CA Attorney General by the Recorder.