To: All Candidates for Los Angeles Mayor in 2013

Future Mayor: Defend Democracy in L.A.

Stand up to Big Money in Los Angeles politics!

Pledge your commitment to appointing Ethics Commissioners who are dedicated to lowering campaign contribution limits for citywide elections, and curbing the corrosive influence of independent political expenditures.

Why is this important?

The current race for Los Angeles mayor is set to be the most expensive in our city's history. And, believe it or not, just last month the City Ethics Commission voted to raise campaign contribution limits even further. This decision - like that of the U.S. Supreme Court in "Citizens United" - is an insult to the 99%, and has put this Great City's very democracy on the chopping block.

We're calling on all candidates for Los Angeles Mayor to commit to establishing citywide elections that are clean, fair, and open to all Angelinos regardless of wealth!