To: Lackawanna Housing Authority

Gas Leak on Kennedy Blvd and Little League Lack of Safety

Lack of assistance for all residence.

Why is this important?

The lack of proper maintenance for a housing development led to major gas leaks which forced over 170 people into the cold. Assistance was only provided for the ones that went to a shelter. Due to financial hardship and convenience many could only find housing with friends or family. There was a lack of equal assistance among all the residents. The livelihood and welfare of seniors, children, special needs children and animals were put at risk.
For the families that were not put into hotels, we want credit on our rent. We want reimbursement for expenses such as the following: payments to family/friends to take animals and for any payment made for providing the residence shelter; paying expense for illness caused for being forced into the cold; and expenses for having to get our children to school when we had to live out of the riverside district.

Hopes this brings light to safety concerns in these development will stop being ignored and safe apts being provided of individuals that are true need of assistance.
