To: Governor Gavin Newsom

General Amnesty to All Illegal Immigrants in CALIFORNIA

People here from other countries such as Mexico, have lived here for years, worked diligently and hard, raised and educated their children, BUT with NO easy, clear path to Citizenship due to the archaic Laws of Immigration, may not have the "right relative" those Laws demand for Sponsorship. They have broken no criminal violations except for wanting to live and work here. CALIFORNIA granted AMNESTY once before: We need to do this again & immediately before any more FAMILIES are Torn Apart with Grandparents and Parents being sent back while their children remain behind. It is a HORROR beyond belief AND those families torn apart should have the absolute RIGHT under this AMNESTY to RETURN and be RECONNECTED to the families they were FORCED to leave behind! THIS IS NOT THE AMERICAN WAY!

Why is this important?

Years ago I read about a grandfather who received a parking ticket and rather than mail it in, he went to the police station to pay it and INS was waiting for him. He had lived here for 50 YEARS but was deported and torn away from his wife, their children, AND their grandchildren. I never forgot this. There are children who have not seen their mothers or fathers in YEARS! When the Laws are unfair & incomplete & remain unchanged, then a NEW path to both Citizenship and New LAW for AMNESTY needs to immediately step in to Remove the INJUSTICE! Either we Stand for Justice, Equality, Freedom with Ethics and Integrity we like to "think" we possess as Americans, or we do not, but IF we do then AMNESTY FOR ALL ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS NEEDS TO BE GRANTED NOW plus Pressure for New Legislation which allows the "deported" to return and an EASY and CLEAR PATH to Citizenship. Not all Immigrants have a 21 yr old child to sponsor them, nor especially mothers and fathers, but they have brothers and sisters and cousins and then there are ALL THE EMPLOYERS who should upon hiring sign a document stating that they will SPONSOR their Employee after three years and, in case there are those employers who might use this document as a form of blackmail, they will have to sign and give a similar document to the immigrant employee, signed and dated, that they (employer) will do so under Penalty of Law and a hefty FINE (to be determined by the State Legislature) if the employer defaults or attempts to extend the Three Year Date!