If you are born in a country with a birth certicicate to prove it, you are a citizen of that country. Right? Well, Wrong according to the Racists in the Dominican Republic. These self-proclaimed admirers of Adolf Hitler have long studied a "Final Solution" in order to expel all blacks (Haitians) from the D.R. Well, they have found it, Law 168-12, a flagrant violation of international law and human rights convention of which the Dominican Republic is a signatory, will begin the expulsion of 250,000 Dominicans, born in the D.R., simply because of their Haitian ancestry.
This should not be tolerated. Sanctions must be placed on the Dominican Republic and by the international community to make it very clear to them that these flagrant human rights violations will not be tolerated and will come at a price. That is the only way to deal with bigots, racists and genocidal maniacs. If you agree, please sign.
Thank You.
Why is this important?
Flagrant Human Rights Violations affect us all. If ignored in one place, it pops up in another place.