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To: John J. DeGioia, President, Georgetown University

Georgetown University: Don't commemorate racists

We demand Georgetown University:

- Rename Mulledy Hall, McSherry Hall, the John Main Center and other buildings named after slave owners and overt racists
- Install plaques on unmarked graves of slaves on campus
- Implement an annual program to mark slavery’s legacy at Georgetown
- Revise campus tours to include information about the roles of black people in Georgetown’s history
- Mandatory training for professors on identity and diversity
- Create an endowment to recruit black identifying professors

Why is this important?

In 1838, Georgetown University president Thomas Mulledy sold 272 human beings of African descent, legally owned by the Jesuit religious order, to Louisiana in order to cover the school's debts. To this day, Georgetown has a resident hall named after this slave owner.

Like the confederate flag flying on state grounds, memorials to slave owners have no place in this society.

As part of a growing student and social movement, Georgetown University students are sitting in at school president John J. DeGioia's office until our demands are met.

Support our students, our demands and our movement.



2020-07-29 13:53:34 -0400

50 signatures reached