To: Sen. John Isakson (GA-1) and Sen. David Perdue (GA-2)

Georgia U.S. Senators: Support Comprehensive Immigration Reform

It’s time that we bring 440,000 Georgia residents out of the shadows and put them on a pathway to citizenship.

We ask our Georgia senators in Congress to support comprehensive immigration reform measures that provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented workers who have been law-abiding residents and positive contributors to our local and state economies, as well as our communities.

Why is this important?

Comprehensive immigration reform should include basic elements that provide not only an earned pathway to citizenship with full rights in a reasonable time frame, but it should also end practices that separates families, cease programs such as 287(g) and “Secure Communities” that result in racial profiling, offer the promise and opportunity of this nation for those who were brought to the country as minors, end the use of excessively high fines to exclude applicants, and correct the problems with work visa quotas for low and high-skilled workers in order to help meet the needs of business as well as other measures recommended by The Committee for Immediate Comprehensive Immigration Reform, which can be found on their website at