To: Geraldo Rivera, Host, Geraldo At Large and Fox News Channel, News Corporation

Geraldo Rivera, if you believe everything you say on your show, Millionhoodies challenges you to ...

Geraldo Rivera and the Fox News Channel, the comments you have made on your show/program imply that young people of color are essentially responsible for their own deaths with regard to cases of racial profiling and gun violence, especially in circumstances in which they are wearing hoodies or "thug-like" clothing. Furthermore, you have implied that black people are more concerned about the deaths of members of our community when they involve a white killer than when the killer is black. To make the opposing case in an open and independent forum, @MillionHoodies challenges you to a one-hour debate on the issues surrounding the killing of Trayvon Martin and the challenges facing African-American communities. If we win, you owe the entire African-American community and the millennial generation an apology on your show.

Why is this important?

Millionhoodies is a multiracial alliance of concerned citizens, civil society organizations, and community leaders who are fed up with the unprecedented levels of unrestrained violence directed at young people of color in this country.