To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Get bigots out of Congress and the Senate

A perfect example is the assault on Eric Holder by Congressman Darryl Issa. The committee he convened to investigate weapons being used to track their final destination refused to acknowledge that this practice was started by the Bush Administration. Eric Holder put a stop to it and now they are trying to prosecute our current AG for something he didn't do. Another example is the Republican contingency deciding during his inaugeration that they will do everything they can to disrupt Pres Obama's agenda, when he is doing his best to help all Americans in an economy that he is not responsible for.

Why is this important?

For far too long, there has been a monopoly of Caucasions in power, in Washington DC that have used partison politics as a cover for their racism. If you display hate in your heart for someone because of the color of their skin, you have no business making decisions for the people of the United States.
