To: Rush Limbaugh
Get Limbaugh off the Radio!
Free Speech is an important issue for me but each and every day, Rush Limbaugh spews conspiracy theories and hate via the radio, always appealing to the worst side of humanity. I believe he has a right to his insane, hateful, drug induced rants and as such, he can go to the nearest cross street with his home made sign and say whatever he wants. The PUBLIC radio waves belong to us, we the people. Please take this hate mongering off the public radio waves, they do not benefit me nor the public and sometimes, enough is enough!
Why is this important?
Every day I am inundated by this dangerous, hate filled speech which I believe encourages violence. I am a big proponent of free speech, but some times enough is enough and I do not want this hate mongering going out into the world over we the peoples public airwaves. This speech has no public benefit.