To: The Connecticut State House and The Connecticut State Senate

Get money out of politics!

We need to remove the corrupting influence of money from our political process. The state legislature should call for a constitutional convention with the goal of passing a "Free and Fair Elections" amendment to our constitution.

Why is this important?

It is time to restore our representative democracy. Today 87% of Americans are deeply troubled by the corrupting influence of money in politics. Our elected officials no longer represent the people who vote for them, they represent their donors.

We need to get money out of politics, and the biggest step is overturning the 'Citizens United' supreme court case and banning corporations from contributing to elections. To do that, we need our state legislature to call for a constitutional convention.

Vermont has already called for a convention, and California isn't far behind. Connecticut should join them. Tell your elected officials you want a constitutional convention to get money out of our politics.