To: Moveone members, Common Cause members, Public Citizen Members, State Legislature, All Unions at, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Lets Unite to get money out of politics now

Campaign donations are no longer an effective tool for the 99% to make our politicians listen to us. Therefore it is time to get rid of money as a tool to influence politicians and policies.

Please let us join hands to get rid of money from politics by passing the 28th Amendment now before the elections.

The 28th Amendment which affirmatively state that all artificial entities (for profit, not-for-profit and unions) are not persons and money is not speech, therefore, both can be regulated. (Since Citizens United was a not-for-profit organization, a robust amendment has to have all man made legal entities) Otherwise the 99% will lose the battle even before it begins.

Nothing contained in this amendment shall be construed to abridge the freedom of the press.

The best air tight wording is at Therefore we urge you to put aside your differences and join them. In the future our power will be people-power.

Our democracy is dying. The earth is dying. Time to act is now.

Why is this important?

Just now, 95 percent of elections are won by the person who has the largest amount of money.

The top 1% are now donating bucket loads of money to our politicians effectively silencing the 99%. Therefore campaign donations of money has become an ineffective tool for the 99% to affect policy decisions.

Everyone agrees that the only way to have a fair election is by passing a robust constitutional amendment that states that corporations are not people and money is not speech.

But some organizations like MoveOn, Common Cause and unions are reluctant to add all legal entities to this clause. Since Citizens United was a not-for-profit organization, it is crucial that we add all man made entities to this amendment. The opposition is united. It is time we all joined hands to make this happen.

Please do not hang onto a myth that we will be able to influence politicians and policies by donating money to politicians. We have to realize that we cannot compete for money with the 1%.

If you do have excess money, It is better to use that money to help the poor and give our kids scholarships and help each other. Let us stop wasting our hard earned money on politicians.

So let's get together and get the amendment stating corporations of all types are not persons. And speech is not money now before the elections.

Do not be afraid. We have people power behind us. So once money becomes an ineffective tool, the 99% will once again have a voice in promoting good policies.

It is time to unite.
