To: Sheri Paton, Area Supervisor, John A. Causey, Executive Director, Louis R. Martin, Director Of School Safety Services Program, and Harlan Simms, Director Of Marketing

Get our crossing guard Danny Back!

Stop Sheri Patton from harassing employees for protecting our children by adapting to the various situations they face! Stop Sheri Patton from bashing employees and parents on her Facebook page, as well as sharing their private conversations!

Why is this important?

My daughter attends Valencia Elementary, which recently had their crossing guard QUIT. Daniel Sanchez was loved by teachers, parents and students. He went above and beyond every day to keep hundreds of children safe. Danny was harassed and reprimanded so many times, by his Supervisor Sheri Patton- for just doing his job and was being told that he was doing "too much," to keep our children safe. Danny was forced to adapt to street construction and deal with hundreds of cars twice daily at an intersection where drivers are careless and do not always abide by traffic laws. Valencia is a school with 80% ridership. Valencia has 80% of students come and go by car and on foot. Most of those students crossed to walk home or meet parents in waiting cars, at Danny's crosswalk and all cars exit out through his crosswalk. Danny was amazing and did what needed to be done to keep our children and even our parents safe. Danny kept traffic flowing. All this to be reprimanded constantly and for what? For doing TO MUCH?!
Danny had finally had enough and quit. We want him back!
After looking into this situation, we found that Danny's Area Supervisor Sheri Patton has been bashing employees and posting private conversations between them on her Facebook Page. It dates back as Far as January of 2016. Sheri even went so far as to bash parents from Valencia that questioned her about Danny's departure. She posts every time she loses an employee and it was many, many times. It seems as though she has a high turnover rate. I wonder why??
We want Danny back and we want a Danny at every location we have a City Guard at. We want crossing guards that know its okay to do their job and to actually protect the children. Danny should have been praised and given a raise!

