To: William A. McCafferty, Steubenville Chief of Police, Charles W. Jackson, Sheriff of (nearby) Brooke County, Patrick Butler, Ohio County Sheriff, and Brian Webster, Charleston Police Chief

Get Stephen Mader Re-hired at a PD

"I'm not going to shoot you brother."

West Virginian officer Stephen Mader has been fired for NOT shooting a distressed man.

A girlfriend calls 911 because her boyfriend is threatening to kill himself. When officer Mader arrived at the scene, this boyfriend, Ronald Williams, tried provoking Mader. He was looking for a 'suicide by cop,' as later explained. He said things like "just shoot me" and repeatedly flicked his wrist holding an unloaded gun to get a reaction. Mader never shot, correctly analyzing the situation as not dangerous to anyone other than Williams himself.

Moments later, two more cops came to the scene. Williams began waving his unloaded gun and walking towards them. Williams was then shot and killed by one of the officers.

Mader was later fired from the department for not "eliminating a threat." Despite there not being any.

Stephen Mader has spent his entire life serving his countrymen, both in Afghanistan as a Marine and here at home. He's done so much for this country, let's help get him a new job at a department that admires his restraint and professionalism.

Why is this important?

With so much controversy these days over officers who may or may not be abusing their position. We MUST support the cops that are undeniably honorable, like Stephen Mader.

For more info, Please Read the Full Story here:
