To: BlackRock, Vanguard, Fidelity, and other fund managers

Get the NRA off the Board of America's Largest Gun Maker

America’s largest gun maker would have a hard time supporting gun reform, even if it wanted to, given the presence of Sandra Froman — a pro-gun extremist on the NRA’s board — who sits on Sturm Ruger’s board of directors. Froman is in a perfect position to inhibit any meaningful reform at the company, represents a clear conflict of interest, and is an obstacle to common-sense reforms to make our country safer. Fund managers need to use their position to help force Froman off the board, now.

Why is this important?

We have an opportunity to push back on the NRA and to create change at Sturm Ruger — America’s largest gun manufacturer and maker of an AR-15 style rifle similar to the one used to kill 17 people in Parkland. Instead of following the lead of large retailers and banks now working to stem gun violence, Sturm Ruger has doubled down in opposing tighter gun regulation, using rhetoric you’d expect from the NRA.

Sandra Froman has been an NRA leader for 26 years and has been openly hostile to any efforts to reform the gun industry. When gun maker Smith & Wesson supported reforms during the Clinton administration, Froman vigorously supported the NRA’s nearly successful effort to put the company out of business. She has no business being on Sturm Ruger’s board.

If you have a 401k or otherwise have investments through companies like BlackRock or Vanguard (which together own more than 25% of Ruger stock), your voice is extremely important. Because of you, they have a seat at the table on May 9th, at Sturm Ruger’s shareholder meeting where they will vote on whether Froman — and the NRA — should continue sitting on the company’s board.

Even if you're not an investor, your voice still matters. Major fund managers want to be seen as responsible companies, especially in light of events like Parkland which makes it impossible for them to ignore the voices of everyday people whether they're customers or not.

Please join us in calling on BlackRock, Vanguard, and other fund managers to do their part to send a message that Sandra Froman — and the NRA — should not have a voice on the Sturm Ruger board.