To: Jim Lehrer, Moderator and PBS Newshour Host and President Donald Trump


Sign to let Jim Lehrer know you were outraged by how disrespectful you felt he let Mitt Romney get towards President Obama, by always talking over and always wanting to have the last word after our President, even to the point that he was bullying the Moderator, just like "Etch-a-Sketch" Romney likes to do, by changing the rules to suit him, so that he had the last word always, even when the rules dictated that the President was to have the last word.

Why is this important?

Jim Lehrer should be ashamed of the job he supposedly did as a so-called "Moderator" and should be called out on it! As such, President Obama needs to and should go on the Offensive from now on, as Governor Romney showed that he was no different than the rest of the Republicans by not showing any respect for the President, by not allowing the Moderator or President Obama to have the last word, as the rules were stipulated and as common sense and gentlemen usually abide by! He showed his true colors of wanting to be a bully, as usual, and not really "reach across the aisle" to Democrats, as he mentioned, when he couldn't even stop talking everytime the President had the last word! No wonder why the President had to keep smiling and "ask" for a rebuttal from the moderator, and then ask the Moderator to move on, if Governor Romney couldn't stop trying to have the last word, just like an immature, childish, spoiled brat likes to do when arguing with authority figures!
