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To: Lowell McAdam, CEO, Verizon

Get Verizon to denounce ALEC

Verizon: renounce the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and its unethical influence on the legislative process in state governments across America.

Why is this important?

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has helped extremist legislators mass-produce and rush to passage un-Constitutional bills in statehouses across the country, including regressive voter-ID laws, mandatory trans-vaginal ultrasounds and the discredited union-busting legislation in Wisconsin. These laws do not reflect the intentions of the people who elected these representatives and who pay their salaries with their tax dollars. Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Wendy's, Kraft and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are among those who have already renounced their support of ALEC. We're calling on Verizon to follow suit and help end the unethical influence of multi-national corporations on America's state & local governments.



2020-06-07 09:48:36 -0400

100 signatures reached