To: Randy Pitchford, CEO, Gearbox Software

Get Yoteslaya into Borderlands 2

RIP Yoteslaya. Please take a few minutes to sign your name to get the developers of the Borderlands 2 video game, to somehow immortalize Brian Rickard (aka Yoteslaya) into one of his favorite games.

Why is this important?

Brian Rickard (aka Yoteslaya) was one of the first YouTube personalities that I ever started watching. I have enjoyed all of his videos and am truly devastated at his passing away. I'm creating this petition to show Gearbox Software (creators of Borderlands 2 video game) that they have just lost a very prominent member of their community and, if at all possible, to somehow immortalize him into the game he loved and put so much time into sharing with his fans. RIP Brian, you will be missed.