To: Hubert Joly, CEO

Give back Thanksgiving!

We work day in and day out for you. We are there (up until now) 363 days a year to help your business grow. Do not be mistaken, it is YOUR business! It is not mine. For me, and most other retail employees, Best Buy is a way to survive. Best Buy does not afford us the means to do much more than just to survive. We understand that competition is stiff in these holiday seasons, and everyone is looking for an edge, BUT, that does not make it right to take away one of the only days that your hard working employees are able to spend time with their families. You say that you want to rejuvenate the employee experience? Then why not start here? Why not take a stand for what is right this holiday season and set an example for the other retail chains of the world? Why not show the world that your employees are more important to you than just a way to line YOUR pockets that much more? It doesn't matter when we open, people will come. If you provide the deals, they will be there. There are millions upon millions of consumers out there. If Walmart opens at 8pm on Thanksgiving day and Best Buy opens at 12am Friday morning guess what will happen? Sure Walmart will make lots of sales while your employees are home having a nice meal with their families, but come midnight, you might just find that you have employees who feel respected and cared for, not used and neglected. Come midnight, you might realize that though Walmart had a mad rush and sold out of all their blow out deals, there are TONS of customers out there who just missed those deals and are looking for somewhere that might possibly still have some left. Guess who might have those deals to offer to those customers? Best Buy that's who. And come midnight Best Buy would be the ONLY ones left with those deals. The money will come, if only just a few hours later, but nevertheless, your pockets will be lined, and maybe, just maybe, you might have employees with a smile who actually give a...well, you know.

Why is this important?

I am tired of the continuing trend of "keeping up with the Jones' at the expense and total disregard for the feelings of the floor level employee.
