To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Give Control of the NYS School System Back to the Parents and Taxpayers

As long as we let the fox guard the hen house, we can have no meaningful change, progress or hope. Just asking for more money for this or that is not the answer. the system is broken, the parents and taxpayers are disenfranchised and the people collecting the paychecks are also the ones running the system. There is no recourse except the Board of Education or the State Education Department and it is like running into a brick wall. The PTA consists of sycophants and that is just the way they want it. No questioning, no honesty. If you report bullying issues whether the bully is another child or an adult like the bus driver, the school admin tries to shut you up as the parent because they don't want it on their record. If the parent speaks up, the child is targeted for retribution. They sneak in pay raises, car allowances for themselves while cutting music, sports, academics. Buses run empty but who cares, its taxpayer money, the bus driver bullies your child and the school turns a blind eye. I could go on and on. I am sure parents across the state have stories after stories all because it is a closed system. We need meaningful reform that puts the parents - every parent equally in the drivers seat.

Why is this important?

Every parent that has or had a child in the NYS school system can identify with this issue. The current system is a closed system with no outside or parental oversight. There is no accountability except in house and that is like having the fox guard the hen house. Bullying, favoritism, partiality, crappy food, deaf administrators busy hanging on their own little power seats are rampant.