To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Give Felons a chance for Employment!!!

"Stop Employee discrimination for individuals with felonies." "The right to work is everyone's right!!!"

Why is this important?

An estimated 65 million Americans have criminal records. Over the last two decades, the percentage of employers screening for such records has grown from an estimated 20% to more than 90%. How are Felon's going to stay on the straight and narrow if they can't find work, make a living, support themselves and their family? These barriers actually encourage criminal activity by preventing ex-offenders from re-entering the economic mainstream.

When a person serves their time for the offense they have committed, their record should be sealed. People make mistakes and as a society we are too harsh on these individuals.Encouraging employers and local governments to give people with criminal records a second chance is the right thing to do. Remove that dreadful question "Have you ever been convicted of a felony" off the application.

Although the justice system is designed to punish and rehabilitate, the rehabilitation is something that requires more than a GED program and a few skills courses. It requires the assistance of communities and employers.

Lets put an end to this discrimination!!! By signing this petition we are sending a message that every citizen has made a mistake once in their life and deserves another opportunity to prove himself.
