To: The New York State House, The New York State Senate, and Governor Andrew Cuomo

Give High School Seniors courses in Student Loan Counseling

With the student loan debt bubble over $1 trillion dollars, and close to one-third of borrowers in default, it is imperative that the next generation of borrowers understand the risks from a first-hand basis.

Why is this important?

When I was going to college, students had little experience, and even fewer options than to borrow excessively in order to fund their education. This created a slippery slope, as many feel that regardless of their major they are guaranteed jobs on the basis of having an undergraduate degree.

With the present state of the economy, many are now leaving their passions behind and instead choosing in-demand professions, or working in sales or retail.

History will look at America's decline much the same way it saw the decline of Ancient Rome, Medieval Italian city-states such as Venice and Florence, and even enlightenment France and Germany. It first arises with a decline of the artist class, where financial constraints of the state cause many to abandon the profession. After this follows morality, Faith, and general progress leading to decadence.