To: Governor Janet Mills
Give Legal Adults The Ability To Get A Drivers License In a Timely Manner
Offer the ability to Maine citizens to more easily attain a drivers license, after driving the hours necessary to practice before taking the drivers test.
Why is this important?
In Maine, if you are looking to get your license for the first time, and you are over 18, you must wait an entire year, during which time you are required to drive with another person in the car, who is over the age of 20, for 35 hours. This is called getting your "drivers permit." You must do 35 hours of driving, 5 of which must be during the night. After that time is up, you can send in for a drivers license test date . If you are under 18, you must do this, and also a number of other stipulations are placed on you when you do get your license, which I encourage due to them being under 18.
I luckily got my drivers permit before this rule switched from 6 months to a year, but sadly I will not be getting my license until probably April. Not having my license means for me that I couldn't go to school this semester while working, and after my 5PM to 1AM shift, I have to walk home in an area that is unlit, and a large portion of which does not have sidewalks. The sidewalks that are there are not always plowed after a snowstorm.
Making legal, taxpaying adults not able to pursue improving their situations in life, due to a lack of public transportation in a lot of the state, and an inability to get a drivers license in a timely manner, is wrong. I say that people should be able to prove that they are road-ready drivers WITHOUT spending a year of their lives to do it.
I luckily got my drivers permit before this rule switched from 6 months to a year, but sadly I will not be getting my license until probably April. Not having my license means for me that I couldn't go to school this semester while working, and after my 5PM to 1AM shift, I have to walk home in an area that is unlit, and a large portion of which does not have sidewalks. The sidewalks that are there are not always plowed after a snowstorm.
Making legal, taxpaying adults not able to pursue improving their situations in life, due to a lack of public transportation in a lot of the state, and an inability to get a drivers license in a timely manner, is wrong. I say that people should be able to prove that they are road-ready drivers WITHOUT spending a year of their lives to do it.