To: Donald K. Carlisle, Superintendent, George Garrison III, President of the Board of Education of Englewood, Stephen Brown, Academic Affairs Committee, and Frank Huttle, Mayor

Give Our Kids the Arts AfterSchool they Deserve

Tell Englewood Public School District to allocate funds to ensure our kids get the Arts Enrichment Extended Day Program of Arts education they deserve not Daycare that does nothing to enrich the brains of our children.

Why is this important?

Englewood Public School District's Children are not being given the best after-school care. Instead of parents having their children in an Arts Enrichment Program to increase their appreciation, knowledge, culture and learning capacity. Parents are forced to accept a program that simply baby sits kids until they are picked up instead of teaching them music, dance and other artistic mediums to enhance both the left and right sides of the brain which increases their ability to learn.