To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Give the Little person a Chance: Equalize Taxation

Give every person the same shot at obtaining wealth on their own by not taxing the first $22,000 in income. This gives poor and wealthy the same benefit and therefore equal footing in life. No other deductions from incomes allowed, raises more funds for government and helps the least able to defend themselves.

Why is this important?

When wealthy persons pay their taxes, they often have multiple deductions amounting to hundreds of thousands of dollars and saving them from paying taxes. Lower income persons who have few deductions often end up paying a higher percentage of their meager incomes than the very wealthy, (regressive taxation). Lets make it even: No taxes at all on the first $22,000 of income for everyone, and then no
other deductions allowed. Period. In one stroke the little guy gets a chance to save without having extra dollars taxed away, and the wealthy get equal treatment before the law.
