To: Fort Worth ISD, School Board

Give YMLA What It's Earned & Deserves, A Full & Complete School

Build the scholars of the Fort Worth Young Men's Leadership Academy a fully functioning and complete school.

Why is this important?

The Fort Worth Young Men's Leadership Academy (YMLA) has established an exceptional record of high academic performance. These young men continue to make the grade. Also, YMLA is a 5A school with a successful athletic program. Yet, the FWISD Long Range Master Facilities Plan requires them to share the athletic facility belonging to another school. This would leave YMLA scholars with less than what they currently have, which is very little. YMLA wants to maintain its distinct identity as well. Funds for a long overdue, new school have been allocated in the 2017 Penny Swap/Bond Proposal. Please sign our petition if you agree that the scholars of YMLA deserve, and should be built, a full and complete school or renovate its current campus to include adequate facilities to support a full athletic program in addition to classrooms, labs, music and art departments.
