To: City Councilors of Raleigh
Go Solar, Raleigh!
With the widespread success of solar energy in North Carolina, we know we can clean up the environment AND create local jobs at the same time.
We urge Raleigh to take the lead and commit to getting 15% of its energy from solar power by 2030!
We urge Raleigh to take the lead and commit to getting 15% of its energy from solar power by 2030!
Why is this important?
Last year, North Carolina ranked second only to California in terms of solar capacity added. Our recent report, Star Power, showed that we can reach 20% solar by 2030 at a fifth of our current growth.
Our challenge now is to keep the surge in solar power growing strong! We know that the cities with the most solar power aren’t just the ones with the most sunshine; they’re also the communities with smart pro-solar policies. That's why we're asking Raleigh to commit to a bold yet achievable goal of 15% solar by 2030!
Our challenge now is to keep the surge in solar power growing strong! We know that the cities with the most solar power aren’t just the ones with the most sunshine; they’re also the communities with smart pro-solar policies. That's why we're asking Raleigh to commit to a bold yet achievable goal of 15% solar by 2030!