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To: The GoGo Community

GoGo Ventures Speaks for Us

"We are launching this online petition to gain community support for GoGo Ventures to be recognized as advocates for the GoGo community in dealings with the DC Government. Many lesser-known bands and brands within our community often go unnoticed when it comes to government resources. We believe GoGo Ventures can effectively represent our community's interests and address injustices that government agencies may not prioritize. To make this happen, we need widespread support from the community to ensure fair and equitable treatment for all involved.

Why is this important?

This movement is crucial because it aims to empower and elevate the voices of the GoGo community, particularly those of lesser-known bands and brands. Historically, these entities have been overlooked when it comes to accessing government resources and support. By establishing GoGo Ventures as a recognized advocate, the community can address injustices and inequities that have been neglected or misunderstood by government agencies. This initiative seeks to ensure that all members of the GoGo community receive fair treatment, representation, and opportunities for growth and development. It is about fostering inclusivity, cultural preservation, and amplifying the unique contributions of GoGo music and culture within the DC community and beyond.



2024-07-08 20:11:07 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-07-08 10:07:10 -0400

10 signatures reached