To: Larry Page, Google CEO

Google: Respect the Democratic Primary by Showing 'Delegates Pledged' First

A google search on, for instance, 'Democratic Primary' brings up a scoreboard showing Bernie's and Hillary's delegates won thus far. But it emphasizes undemocratic 'Superdelegates,' rather than indicating actual delegates pledged and won by vote of the people.

This scoreboard should show only 'Delegates Pledged' as the default, and then let people click to add and remove 'Superdelegates' from the scoreboard.

Why is this important?

As part of the effort to have this Democratic primary reflect the actual will of the voters, it's important not only that "Superdelegates" themselves pledge to respect the will of the voters in their state's primary, but also that prominent information sources (such as media outlets and internet search engines) report delegates that have been fairly won through the democratic process first and foremost. "Superdelegates," who might change their mind, and often do change their mind to respect the will of the voters of their state, should be reported as such, with words like "provisionally won" or "pledge indicated."