To: Sundar Pichai, Google CEO

Google: Stand with Children and Families

Stop Hiring the People Behind the Family Separation Policy

Why is this important?

One of the key leaders of Trump’s Family Separation policy, Miles Taylor, has been given a plum position at Google as head of national security relations.

Taylor served as Chief of Staff to former Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, Kristjen Nielsen, who recently defended the decision to separate families.

The full scale of the horror of the Family Separation Policy is still coming to light -- we just learned that 1556 more families were torn apart, while countless still remain separated.

According to the ACLU, of the 1556 new cases, five children were under a year old, 26 were a year old, 40 were 2 years old, 76 were 3, and 60 were 4 years old.

What’s most terrifying? It’s unclear if they have been reunified. Because the government didn’t have a way to track families.

Take a step back and imagine for a moment what it must be like to have your child ripped away from your arms. And then for that child to be put into a freezing cage while Trump lawyers argue that they don’t deserve soap, blankets, or toothbrushes.

DHS top employees like Taylor likely saw images of families in tears as they were torn apart, received detailed briefings on the psychological trauma it was causing, read internal reports of widespread sexual abuse and torture -- and CHOSE to work to keep those inhumane policies going.

Google’s motto is famously, “don’t be evil.” For all the traumatized families and children -- including the six children who died in U.S. custody -- here is your chance.

Add your name to call on Google and all Google employees to live up their values and demand the company do the right thing and stop hiring key players of Trump’s Family Separation Policy.

Children and families are just beginning to face the long-term psychological trauma associated with family separation. Some children were separated at such a young age and for such a long time -- that they didn’t even recognize their parents when they were reunified.

Add your name now: No person who helped tear children from their mother's arms deserves a soft landing.

CEO Pichai publicly condemned Trump’s Family Separation when it was first announced. Don’t back down on your values now.