To: Sundar Pichai, CEO

Google: Stop taking advertising dollars from the NRA

Google: you are taking advertising money from an organization that has aided and abetted the murdering of innocent school children by constantly blocking off legislation that would protect our kids.

Why is this important?

This is the ad I received on the top of my Google search:
NRA Membership - Official Site | Defend The 2nd Amendment |‎‎
Join the National Rifle Association. $40 Off Best Membership Rate and Free Gift.

The NRA is not vested in defending our rights. They are vested in the greed of guns. Countless innocent people die daily from gun violence. Tragically, we can no longer go to the movies, school, the mall, or music festivals without the fear that a mass shooter is going to kill or maim us. We are no longer free, thanks to the NRA. Google should not accept money from and support such a deplorable organization. We cannot rest until our children are protected and can go to school without worrying about being the next mass shooting victim.