To: The Iowa State House, The Iowa State Senate, and Governor Kim Reynolds
Gov. Branstad: Fund schools first
Schools can't plan or provide quality programs when they don't know what their budgets will be. By state law, the legislature is required to pass education funding within 30 days of convening, but Gov. Branstad and statehouse Republicans want to break that promise to push through the governor's education reform plan first. Let's not hold kids' education hostage to fast-track education "reform." Pass 4 percent Allowable Growth now.
Why is this important?
Schools can't plan or provide quality programs when they don't know what their budgets will be. By state law, the legislature is required to pass education funding within 30 days of convening, but Gov. Branstad and statehouse Republicans want to break that promise to push through the governor's education reform plan first. Let's not hold kids' education hostage to fast-track education "reform."