To: Governor Gavin Newsom

Gov. Brown: Give 43,000 More Kids a Strong Start!

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Recent studies show that kids who get a high-quality early education not only do better in school, but are also more likely to go to college and get a good job. Yet, more than half of California’s kids are missing out on quality preschool, many stuck on huge waiting lists.

I urge Gov. Brown to sign the Legislature’s early education budget that will create 43,000 new full-day preschool slots over the coming years and make investments to improve the quality of early learning programs.

Why is this important?

43,000 kids hang in the balance as Gov. Jerry Brown decides whether or not he will get them access to quality preschool, or leave them on waiting lists.

Every kid deserves the same strong start. Early learning programs not only help kids do better in school, but also increase their chances of going to college and getting a good job.

On June 15, the Legislature approved a budget that will create 43,000 new full-day preschool slots over a multi-year period and make investments to improve the quality of early learning programs.

This is a big step forward for our kids, but we still need Gov. Brown to sign it.

In his original budget Gov. Brown didn’t allocate any additional funding for early learning, leaving our kids shut out and behind.

We need more people to speak up and show the governor this is a priority.

We’ve only got a few days to convince Gov. Brown to invest in early education. Our littlest learners are depending on us to push him to do the right thing.