To: Governor Tom Wolf

Gov. Corbett- Take Medicare and Social Security off of the chopping block

Gov. Corbett, We, the citizens of PA are asking that you would not take Medicare and Social Security away from us. People who have to have major surgery because of cancer or other major illnesses, and who don't have medical insurance, need medical care immediately, or they will die. People shouldn't be made to fear that they can't get the medical aide or the Social Security benefits that they badly need. One of our Constitution's laws talk about life, that it is given to us. American people are caring and willing to bring aide to those who need it. Our state government should feel the same way. Please help us sir. Thank you.

Why is this important?

Gov. Corbett is against meeting the needs of the citizens of PA. We need to let him know that he can't take Medicare and Social Security away from us.
