To: Governor Brian Kemp

Gov. Deal, make your staff pay for their own office supplies until classrooms are fully funded.

Teachers across Georgia show their commitment to our children by paying for school supplies out of their own pockets to make sure students have what they need to learn. We ask that you and your staff pay for all of your own office supplies until every student in Georgia has a full school year and a quality education.

Why is this important?

More than $5 billion has been cut from Georgia’s schools in the past decade.

Students in two-thirds of Georgia school districts (121 out of 180) have a shortened school year. Many students attend class as little as 144 days. Thousands of Georgia teachers have seen pay cuts since 2008 in the form of furlough days.

And even during these pay cuts, teachers pay for school supplies out of their own pockets.

We thank teachers for their commitment to our students, but it shouldn’t be this way.

Education should be a priority in Georgia, not a political talking point. Gov. Deal says education is important but he has signed budget cuts for schools every year.

We’re asking the Governor and his office to stand with teachers. As a symbol of commitment to our children and schools, the Governor and his office should personally pay for all of their own office supplies until every student in Georgia has a full school year and a quality education.

