To: Governor John Bel Edwards

Gov. Jindal: Accept the Medicaid Expansion Program

Gov. Jindal, accept the Medicaid Expansion Program that has been designed to help out states. Refusing to accept a program designed to help the least of us is not only cynical but immoral. Our state cannot afford to have you turn up your nose on a deal that would be beneficial to the people of Louisiana: elderly, poor working class, low-income families, and children. You have already destroyed public education in our state; I implore you not to decimate health care for us, too. Get your party ideology and your aspirations to get some big job within your party (at the people's expense) out of our health care. Where is your compassion--better yet, your morality?

Why is this important?

Thousands of your elderly constituents, poor families, low-income adults, and poor children will be affected immensely by your refusal to accept the Medicaid Expansion Program. I have nieces and nephews who will no longer be able to access medical care due to your irrational decision to balk at the President's plan to help our citizens, those of whom are in the greatest need of assistance. Gov. Jindal you can and should reverse your decision to refuse acceptance of this program.
