To: Name, Title or Position (optional), Gov Dannel Malloy, Connecticut Governor, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, U.S. Senator (NY), and President Barack Obama, President United States

Gov. Malloy: We Need Healthcare, not HealthScare!!

Though former Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton did a great job gathering information, including a self-incriminating letter-of-response from attorney Williams, she had to leave for the Sec. of State post, but promised me that her successor would resolve the entire matter. Well, we have been waiting for four years for just that from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, and nothing! Gov. Cuomo and former NY Rep. Maurice Hinchey's offices informed me that since Sen. Clinton's office started it all, ONLY her successor, Sen Gillibrand, can legally conclude it, since this is quite clearly a violation of my Constitutional rights. Because I have been the victim of identity mistakes, wrong x-rays, needless serious surgeries, and Sen Gillibrand's and Gov. Malloy's inaction, I had to implore President Obama and VP Biden to file a formal complaint with the US Dept of Labor, which they did, in 2011. In July, 2012, I requested President Obama to petition Medicare to take over my medical care from Liberty Mutual Insurance,which I was told was impossible, but they did, and on August 29, 2012 I was sent to Columbia-Presbyterian, in NYC, to rip out the improper prosthesis that had been intentionally installed in 2006,and to have a dangerous revision surgery. One of my doctors actually told me, "that you have a better chance of being struck by lightning, than needing one of these surgeries!" This was all supposed to be done by Sen. Gillibrand, not President Obama, and since I am one of her 19.57 million reasons for being a US Senator, will you please click to sign my petition to her and Gov. Malloy to step up and accept their responsibilities. Just like at Penn State, the oversight at Ct. WCC prefers to "look the other way," in order to protect "one of their own," instead of the ones they are sworn, and quite well paid, to protect, injured American citizens, just like you and me! The numerous victims of these people, including myself, can't do it alone, we need your voices, and signatures. Brandy has been forced to do almost everything around here for years because of all the shoulder, neck, etc. surgeries, but, after 9 years of hell, she suffered a stroke several weeks ago, (blood pressure 300) Lucky to be alive, but now she has to learn how to walk again. There is great strength in numbers, and ALL OF YOU can give us that. Thanks!

Why is this important?

In July, 2011, as a NYer, I filed a formal complaint with Ct. Gov. Dannel Malloy against Ct. Workers Compensation Chairman John Mastropietro and Fairfield, Ct attorney, Scott Wilson Williams, for their numerous criminal actions concerning my 9-1/2 year medical nightmare there. Why did the Gov.then forward all my evidence that implicated Chairman Mastropietro, right into Mr. Mastropietro's hands? Since 2008, he has totally ignored the formal complaints, placed on my behalf, by former Gov. Jodi Rell, and my former US Senator Hillary Clinton, and the fact that he seems to have no "checks-and-balances" over him in Ct., since they removed their Ct. Dept of Insurance as his oversight in the early 1990's, is deeply disturbing and unethical. Since his predecessor, Jesse M. Frankl, resigned because of his treatment of helpless, injured American workers, and the man who appointed him, former Gov. John Rowland , recently served a ten month federal prison sentence for corruption, we can't think of anyone in America that needs to be watched more than the Ct. WCC Chairman. They have stolen from Medicare and Social Security, and as the Top-Gun of Ct., it is Gov Malloy's duty to protect ALL citizens from predation! Please click to sign my petition to convince Gov. Malloy to end the predation of helpless, injured citizens, especially out-of-staters, and reinstate the oversight jurisdiction of his state Dept. of Insurance over Ct. WCC. My lawyer was pulled from my case, and no one will take it over, because I have charges pending against their big boss, Mr. Mastropietro. Not only unethical, but unconstitutional as well. And they call themselves "The Constitution State?" With the info I gave to Gov. Malloy, he needs to order an immediate investigation of Ct WCC, because it seems nobody else in Ct seems to have jurisdiction over Mr. Mastropietro, but him. Please click to sign the petition, so we can get him to start immediately!
