To: The Idaho State House, The Idaho State Senate, and Governor Brad Little

LEGISLATORS: Stop The Bipartisan Bickering!

Bring the health insurance exchange to Idaho. We, the people, demand affordable healthcare!

Why is this important?

I am a single, 40 year old female with a good job and no health insurance. I want to stay healthy and I need good, affordable healthcare options, whether they are run by the federal government or the State of Idaho exchange program.

Legislators: Please stop the bipartisan bickering and get behind your Governor and DO YOUR JOBS. ACA has been ruled on as constitutional by the Supreme Court. We have TWO OPTIONS: 1) dilly-dally so that we run out of time and the federal government runs our program; or, 2) accept reality, move on and take action on State-run healthcare. IF WE MISS THIS DEADLINE AND THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OVERSEES OUR HEALTHCARE, IT IS ON THE LEGISLATORS' HANDS.