To: Governor J.B. Pritzker
Gov. Quinn - Please Stop Frackquakes In Southern IL
Dear Gov. Quinn,
Please sign executive orders for an emergency moratorium on fracking and Class ll disposal wells in the active earthquake zones of Southern IL. At the same time set up an independent investigative task force consisting of seismologists/geologists with expertise in frackquakes.
- Both horizontal drilling with high pressure fracking and deep injection well disposal of frack waste water induce earthquakes.
- Not all of the frackquakes have been small, Oklahoma experienced a 5.7 magnitude frackquake in Prague in 2011 - damaging 14 buildings and injuring 2 people.
- The New Madrid, Wabash Valley, Ste. Genevieve and Cottage Grove active fault zones are not appropriate places for dangerous fracking!
- Even frequent small frackquakes can damage peoples homes and their psyches, they never know when a "big one" is going to hit.
We thank you for your service to Illinois - please do one more thing for the protection of Illinoisans - use your emergency management powers to stop fracking and frack waste disposal in the active earthquake zones of Southern IL - it is too risky!
Please sign executive orders for an emergency moratorium on fracking and Class ll disposal wells in the active earthquake zones of Southern IL. At the same time set up an independent investigative task force consisting of seismologists/geologists with expertise in frackquakes.
- Both horizontal drilling with high pressure fracking and deep injection well disposal of frack waste water induce earthquakes.
- Not all of the frackquakes have been small, Oklahoma experienced a 5.7 magnitude frackquake in Prague in 2011 - damaging 14 buildings and injuring 2 people.
- The New Madrid, Wabash Valley, Ste. Genevieve and Cottage Grove active fault zones are not appropriate places for dangerous fracking!
- Even frequent small frackquakes can damage peoples homes and their psyches, they never know when a "big one" is going to hit.
We thank you for your service to Illinois - please do one more thing for the protection of Illinoisans - use your emergency management powers to stop fracking and frack waste disposal in the active earthquake zones of Southern IL - it is too risky!
Why is this important?
The risk of frackquakes is well known and proven. The scientists know less about frackquakes in the active earthquake zones - many of them have recommended that active seismic zones be placed off limits to fracking and disposal of waste water. Springfield is not listening but maybe Gov. Quinn, as he exits the office, will be moved to act.
Injection-Induced Earthquakes,
William L. Ellsworth
Earthquakes with magnitude (M) ≥ 3 in the U.S. midcontinent, 1967–2012. After decades of a steady earthquake rate (average of 21 events/year), activity increased starting in 2001 and peaked at 188 earthquakes in 2011. Human-induced earthquakes are suspected to be partially responsible for the increase.
These small central U.S. quakes have been occurring near sites of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
Fracking Industrialization And Induced Earthquakes,
Brent Ritzel
Injection-Induced Earthquakes,
William L. Ellsworth
Earthquakes with magnitude (M) ≥ 3 in the U.S. midcontinent, 1967–2012. After decades of a steady earthquake rate (average of 21 events/year), activity increased starting in 2001 and peaked at 188 earthquakes in 2011. Human-induced earthquakes are suspected to be partially responsible for the increase.
These small central U.S. quakes have been occurring near sites of hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
Fracking Industrialization And Induced Earthquakes,
Brent Ritzel