To: Governor J.B. Pritzker

Gov. Quinn: Veto Casino Expansion in Illinois

Gov. Quinn: We call on you to veto the gaming expansion bill. We need jobs and real economic development, not yet another short-term gimmick that opens up more opportunities for corruption in Illinois state government. Veto the bill to focus on creating good-paying jobs, and we'll have your back.

Why is this important?

The Chicago Tribune just reported that Gov. Quinn would spend this weekend deciding whether to veto the casino expansion bill that would add slot machines and allow five more casinos - including one in Lake County - to be built in Illinois.

Economic recovery should not be based on games of chance. Casino gambling doesn't lead to real long-term economic development in distressed areas, and it causes serious strains on the infrastructure and social safety net of our communities.

And, in May, Gov. Quinn pointed out that this bill "does not include a ban on campaign contributions as lawmakers in other states have done to keep corruption out of the gambling industry."

There are better ways for the state of Illinois to get new revenue - like closing corporate tax loopholes and finally passing a progressive income tax - that don't involve turning a blind eye to opportunities for even more corruption from unscrupulous gaming supporters.

Gov. Quinn is making his decision this weekend so we have to act fast. Please sign this petition to show Gov. Quinn that if he vetoes the casino bill and focuses on real economic development we'll have his back.
