To: Ed Rendell, Former Governor of PA

Gov. Rendell should leave Fix the Debt

Gov. Rendell needs to stop working to cut Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid through his work with Fix the Debt. Please resign your position with Fix the Debt and immediately commit to zero cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

Why is this important?

I just learned that the former Governor of PA, Ed Rendell, is the co-chair of a group of corporate leaders trying to cut my Social Security and Medicare, along with cutting Medicaid for low income women and children. Fix the Debt, a group funded by a billionaire with a council of CEO's, is spewing misinformation about Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid so that these programs get cut instead of wealthy paying their fair share of taxes. I think it is wrong for any former elected official to stand alongside corporate leaders calling for earned benefits to cut, especially a Democrat. Gov. Rendell should leave Fix the Debt immediately, and commit zero cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.
