To: Governor Steve Bullock

Govenor-Elect Steve Bullock support the Medicaid Expansion

Governor Elect Bullock we urge you to support the Medicaid expansion provision in the Affordable Care Act that would extend covering nearly 60,000 currently uninsured Montanans.

Why is this important?

Whether Montana decides to expand its Medicaid program will be a critical issue in the upcoming state legislative session. Governor Brian Schweitzer, heroically put the expansion in his proposed state budget for 2013-14. However, Govenor-Elect Steve Bullock hasn’t yet committed to expanding medicaid for the next two years. He needs to hear from the voters that are relying on him to fight to expand this vital program for the health and economic well-being of the state of Montana.

NOW is the time to send a strong unified voice to Governor-Elect Steve Bullock.

We had your back, now have ours! We urge you to support the Medicaid expansion provision in the Affordable Care Act that would extend coverage to nearly 60,000 currently uninsured people while creating good jobs for Montanans.
